4 RN Patient Responsibilities

Working as a registered nurse (RN) is a rewarding career path. You’ll have the opportunity to leave a lasting impact on patients while providing invaluable assistance to doctors and other healthcare providers. If you’re interested in becoming an RN, take a moment to learn more about the different responsibilities RNs have, then contact AMG School of Nursing in Brooklyn, NY for information about our RN program.

Providing Quality Care

In every healthcare environment, quality patient care is of the utmost importance. RNs play a critical role in this because they ensure patients receive the best care possible by following best practices, remaining educated on the latest treatments, and advocating for their patients as necessary.


Making Informed Decisions

RNs are experienced and knowledgeable medical professionals, meaning they’re qualified to make informed decisions in their patients’ best interests, like choosing medication or establishing a patient care plan. Because of their expertise, an RN knows how to make calculated decisions that benefit their patients.

Educating Patients

Not only are RNs knowledgeable enough to make informed decisions, but they can also educate their patients on medical conditions, treatments, and more. This may include explaining potential medication side effects or breaking down symptoms and ensuring patients are properly educated on whatever might apply to them. 

Listening to Patients’ Concerns

In many healthcare settings, an RN is a patient’s first point of contact. As a result, RNs are responsible for listening to their patients’ concerns and advocating for them as necessary. The ultimate goal is to provide the highest standard of care, and by making patients feel heard, RNs can accomplish that.

Registered nurses have many responsibilities, but the four we’ve shared today are some of the biggest. If you’re interested in pursuing a career as an RN, contact AMG School of Nursing to learn how to apply for our RN program.