4 Skills Required To Be a PCT

Are you looking for an exciting and rewarding career path within the healthcare industry? If so, consider studying to become a patient care technician (PCT). PCTs help with basic, patient-centered tasks, such as hygiene assistance or wound management. In order to become a PCT, there is a unique set of skills you must possess to provide the best care possible. Keep reading to learn about the skills every PCT needs, then contact AMG School of Nursing to find out more about our PCT program in Brooklyn.

Interpersonal Skills

PCTs often find themselves in situations where they must communicate with patients and their families with empathy and compassion. Because of this, refined interpersonal skills are important. PCTs should be able to listen to their patients and advocate for them effectively, so high-level communication skills are necessary. 

Technical Skills

Depending on the healthcare setting, many PCTs must be knowledgeable about medical terminology, equipment, and patient care techniques. They should also be skilled in recording data and tracking patient records. With these technical skills, PCTs can provide the most efficient care. 

Problem-Solving Skills

When working directly with patients, there are many times during which PCTs must think on their feet and act quickly yet accurately to diagnose and treat their patients. This means that problem-solving skills are critical.

Teamwork Skills

As with every career in healthcare, PCTs should be able to work well on a team. They often find themselves collaborating with other medical professionals and supporting fellow staff members, so it’s important that they’re skilled in working with others.

With these four skills and a commitment to improving patient lives, you can easily become a successful PCT. Get ready to provide the best care possible, and contact AMG School of Nursing to learn how to enroll in our PCT program.

Learn About Our PCT Program